Opiš bréf til Joey Barton!!!

Sį žessa bloggfęrslu hjį mr. Jimmy Corkhill ķ gęr. Sį lętur Joey Barton ehyra žaš!!!!!! ....linkur http://mrjimmycorkhill.blogspot.com/

Sunday, 13 May 2012
Alright twat features?

I’m seeing my arse here as you’ve made such a bad show of yourself today, that I have finally been tipped over the edge and I’m having to put pen to paper on you, on a Sunday night. My Sunday Dinner hasn’t even settled yet, and I don’t think it will tonight due to the fact that you remain in the world. Quiff and all.

People have been asking me to do a letter to you for a while. Could never be arsed wasting my time on you, but, well, then TODAY happened.

As a person, you’re despicable.

You come from a family of pure shit.

Your 'brother' and your ‘cousin’ murdered Anthony Walker, the young black lad, because he was black. #RIP

Your ‘cousins’ murdered an innocent Dad #RIP

And you:
May 2005 you broke a guy’s leg while driving your car through Liverpool city centre at 2 am.
March 2007 you got arrested for suspicion of assault on a taxi driver and criminal damage.
May 2008 you got 6 months in prison for assault and affray outside McDonalds.
July 2008 you got a four months suspended sentence for assault and ABH on a Man City team mate, ending your Man City career. You also got charged by the FA for violent conduct.

You & 'your family' are the kind of people that give Liverpool a bad name.

As a footballer, you’re despicable.

I'm not going to back track at all your other attention seeking sendings off, like the headbutt v Norwich which got you a straight red and QPR then lost 1-2 at home.

Its today that’s pissed me off.

Your team were fighting to avoid relegation, and you act the cunt and get a red card.
Then…. Your actions AFTER your red card? Just shouldn’t be seen on a football pitch. Your scum genetics took over and you kick out at Aguero who had nothing to do with your sending off. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a City fan. And I’d rather have them win the league than Utd, so in a way THANKS FOR THAT.

But now you’re mouthing off on twitter about “who gives a fuck” .. and how you did what you had to do. And who cares, you stayed up, that’s all that matters? And that you are off to CELEBRATE?? Celebrate??? You should be sent home to sit on the fucking naughty step lad.

Your team survived by the skin of your yellow teeth today. A penalty at Stoke v Bolton is what saved you. And you are fucking lucky. Otherwise you and “your team” would be down, pretty much because of you. And no offence to any QPR fans reading, but I fucking wish you had gone down just to teach your smug rat tashed fucking face a lesson.

And then you start tweeting that a team mate told you to “take one of the city players with you”. Bad disgrace that. You should be banned for life. No place for players like you. The media are going to be all over that tweet, and all QPR players will get tarred with the cheating brush. Well done lad. There’s no I in team is there? But there’s a fucking I in prick!

And setting aside the fact that you did it. Now you’re grassing? You can’t live life grassing that someone else told you to do something? Be your own man.

Mind you, Rick Astley told you to get that hair cut you’ve got, didn’t he.

Bottom line is, “Joseph”, underneath all your controversy and the BIG I AM act that you constantly hide behind, is the fact that you just aren’t that good. ARE YOU?

So you act up, stir controversy, mouth off, kick out, and play the big guns on twitter, to keep a name for yourself. Don’t you?

Lad, you play for a team that just survived relegation by an ant’s penis, and you’ve got the same amount of England caps as that David Nugent . ONE. Fucking David Nugent. Says it all. Thing is though, Nugent was born in Huyton too. But, guess what, he isn’t a bad disgrace to Merseyside. Or humans in general, is he?

Assess your life, lad. Assess your life. Because me and all the people that read and retweet this are telling you, you are fucking bad at it.

Posted by MrJimmyCorkhill at 20:04

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