Bono og Dave Evans stķga į stokk ķ London

bonoedgevar reyndar meš žessa frétt snemma ķ morgun, réttara sagt kl. 8.30 og birta hana žvķ aftur hér aš nešan eins og hun var ķ NME. - Nśna byrja žeir aš minna į sig žvķ žaš er sennilega um įr ķ aš žeir fari af staš ķ tónleikaferš.

U2 play surprise gig in London
Band dust off rare track for acoustic show
November 23, 2007

U2's Bono and The Edge played a surprise gig tonight (November 23) at
London's Union Chapel.

Playing as part of Mencap's Little Noise Sessions, the duo surprised
the audience with a four song set which included rare track 'Wave Of

The identity of the 'special guests' was shrouded in mystery when
introduced by host Jo Whiley as "a new band with a lot of
potential...Dave the guitarist is very nervous...If he makes a mistake
forgive him, he's new. The singer is very shy."

The band opened with 'Zooropa' track 'Stay (Faraway, So Close)' with
Bono reading the lyrics off a sheet on a music stand.

The singer changed the lyrics: "You can go anywhere/ Miami, New
Orleans, London, Belfast and Berlin" to " You can go anywhere/ Miami,
New Orleans, Belfast and Islington," which was met by roars of approval
from the crowd.

After the track finished The Edge said : "I hope you like our new

Launching into 'Desire', Bono ad libbed parts of INXS' 'Need You
Tonight' into the track. He sang the lyrics "I've got to let you know /
You're one of my kind."

He started clapping before taking out a harmonica to play on the
track's distinctive finish.

Bono introduced 'Angel Of Harlem' by saying : "This is our only
Christmas song."

After a false start which saw the singer sing the start of 'Like A
Rolling Stone' by Bob Dylan over The Edge's riff, the duo continued.

At one point Bono said : "Merry Christmas Yoko."

When the song finished the pair shook hands.

Bono then introduced the next track by saying : "So about 20 years ago
we started a tune on 'The Joshua Tree' and yesterday we just finished
it. This song is based on the experiences that my lovely wife Ali had
in Ethiopia.

"You forget that this was the land of the Queen Of Sheeba...I was 25
and it was an extraordinary time to be there...It was an overwhelming

"This (song) has never been played before. Just don't tell Larry
(Mullen) and Adam (Clayton) we're doing it...Oh Adam's here! This is
for you sir."

They played 'Wave Of Sorrow' with The Edge playing the keyboards.

Bono said : "Thanks for being so generous," and The Edge said : "I hope
you didn't notice there were a few mistakes but I was told that was
okay...I felt the love." Bono og Edge léku fyrir 250 manns į góšgeršahljómleikum
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1 identicon

Žeir eru bara bestir :-)

Hlakka mikiš til aš fį JT ķ hendurnar... į öllum formötum!! :-)

Gauti Hauksson (IP-tala skrįš) 27.11.2007 kl. 13:51

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