U2 hita upp fyrir Kings of Leon - eitt kvöld!!!

Eftir aš hafanotaš Kings of Leon semupphitunarband ķ sķšasta tśr -s tendur ežtta til nśna, eftirvęntingin eftir aš koma nżja efninu į framfęri aš verša mikil - hver veit hvaš gerist?

U2 ROCKING 02 ARENA ..AS THE SUPPORT ACT; Irish rockers to play before
Kings Of Leon at December concert EXCLUSIVE.

Article from:
The Mirror (London, England)
Article date:
November 20, 2008


U2 are planning a surprise appearance at the new O2 arena - as a
support act.

The band were approached by owner Harry Crosbie about staging a full
show at the venue.

But the Irish Daily Mirror can exclusively reveal they are planning a
series of live shows at Croke Park instead.

However, as Bono and Co are desperate to be one of the first acts to
experience the new venue they are in talks with chart-topping band the
Kings Of Leon to appear as their support act at their December 19
show. It would be the first time in 25 years the legendary group have
supported anyone.

A source close to U2 revealed last night: "There have been serious
talks about this happening. The plan was for the Kings Of Leon to
announce they would be joined by a special support act in the run up
to the gig. Then before the show Bono and the boys would storm onto
stage and perform material from their new album.

"They would then rejoin the Kings Of Leon during the show.

"It will be a monumental rock moment and certainly one of the most
unexpected things the band have ever done."

BONO was booed and heckled at the MTV Europe Awards after he suggested
that The Beatles were Irish.

He told a packed crowd in Liverpool: "If it wasn't for the Irish
potato famine, John, George, Paul and Ringo would have come from
Dublin." Bono made the remarks while presenting a lifetime achievement
award to Paul McCartney.

One fan said: "There were shouts that Bono should "go f*** himself."

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