U2 á Brit Awards 18 febrúar

achtung_gallery_1THE first act to perform at this year's Brit Awards has been revealed and it's a corker.U2, led by BONO, will belt out their single Get On Your Boots released in the spring at the star-studded bash on February 18.

The nominations aren't out yet, but the PET SHOP BOYS will receive the Outstanding Contribution To Music award and FLORENCE AND THE MACHINE the Critics' Choice gong.

A Brits spokesman boasted: "U2's addition to the line-up makes it possibly the best we've ever had."


When asked about the Brits on Absolute Radio he said: "Having never received a Brit, I'm in no position to comment."

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1 Smámynd: Vinir Ketils bónda, áhugamannafélag

Afhverju ertu međ mynd af Village People ţarna?

Vinir Ketils bónda, áhugamannafélag, 12.1.2009 kl. 13:31

2 Smámynd: Gísli Foster Hjartarson

eina myndin sem ađ kom upp ţegar ég "gúglađi" rock stars

Gísli Foster Hjartarson, 13.1.2009 kl. 13:13

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