22.2.2009 | 22:56
Hreint topp stykki žessi plata
Žaš veršur ekki af žvķ skafiš aš U2 piltunum tekst einstakelga vel upp į žessari plötu. Ég ętla ekki aš śttala mig um hana hér birti einn texta af henni ķ dag. Birti hér annann njótiš - Reikna ekki meš aš margir verši sviknir sem koma höndum yfir žessa plötu - nś er bara aš bķša eftir aš fį alvöru eintak ķ verslun, en žaš verša nokkrar śtgįfur ķ gangi. - EN hér eru textinn viš lagiš Moment of Surrender:
I tied myself with wire
To let the horses run free
Playing with the fire until the fire played with me
The stone was semi-precious
We were barely conscious
Two souls too smart to be in the realm of certainty
Even on our wedding day
We set ourselves on fire
Oh God, do not deny her
It“s not if I believe in love
But if love believes in me
Oh, believe in me
At the moment of surrender
I floded to my knees
I did not notice the passers-by
And they did not notice me
I“ve been in every black hole
At the altar of the dark star
My body“s now a begging bowl
That“s begging to get back, begging to get back
To my heart
To the rhythm of my soul
To the rhythm of my unconsciousness
To the rhythm that yearns
To be released form control
I was punching in the numbers at the ATM machine
I could see in the reflection
A face staring back at me
At the moment of surrender
Of vision over visibility
I did not notice the passers-bay
And they did not notice me
I was speeding on the subway
Through the stations of the cross
Every eye looking every other way
Counting down “til the pain would stop
At the moment of surrender
Of vision over visibility
I did not notice the passers-bay
And they did not notice me
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