Ég og Stephen Hawking

"Me And Stephen Hawking"

Herman the Bull and Tracey the sheep
Transgenic milk containing human protein
Their bacteria cheaper than baby food
Attention today
Today it's a cow, tomorrow it's you

African Punch and Judy show at half the price
A hundred thousand watch Giant Haystacks in a Bombay fight

Overjoyed, me and Stephen Hawking, we laugh
We missed the sex revolution
When we failed the physical
When we failed the physical

Herman the Bull and Tracey the sheep
Transgenic milk containing human protein
Their bacteria cheaper than baby food
Attention today
Today it's a cow, tomorrow it's you

African Punch and Judy show at half the price
A hundred thousand watch Giant Haystacks in a Bombay fight

Overjoyed, me and Stephen Hawking, we laugh
We missed the sex revolution
When we failed the physical
When we failed the physical

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