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Verš nś aš višurkenna aš ég er ekki alveg aš skilja žessa rįšstöfun hjį stjórn Southampton. Veršum viš ekki aš vona aš stjórnarmenn dżrlinganna viti hvaš žeir eru aš gera žegar žeir lįta dżrling fara og ętla aš reyna aš skapa nżjann? Adkins nįš frįbęrum įrangri meš lišiš. Lišiš hefur veriš aš rétt hlut sinn ķ efstu deild sķšustu misseri og žvķ er e“g ekki aš kaupa žetta žį svo aš menn hafi sent žessa yfirlżsingu frį sér. - er reyndar sammįla hugyndafręšinni žarna en hef hvergi séš Adkins hallmęla henni.

Southampton executive chairman Nicola Cortese said: “This decision has been made with the long-term ambitions of Southampton Football Club in mind.

"Whilst we acknowledge the contribution Nigel has made during the past two years, for the Club to progress and achieve our long-term targets a change was needed.

“Mauricio is a well-respected coach of substantial quality who has gained a reputation as an astute tactician and excellent man manager.

"I have every confidence that he will inspire our talented squad of players to perform at the highest possible level.

“He also shares my belief that the most successful clubs are built by nurturing young players through a development system that provides a clear path to the first team, thereby creating a culture that keeps them at the club for the long term.

"This is an approach he has employed with great success in the past and I look forward to him bringing that experience and expertise to Southampton.” Southampton skiptir óvęnt um stjóra
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