Mr. Brown please!

Dear Gordon

What did we do to deserve this..............

Ég get svo sem lķka hringt ķ kappann ef ég fę nśmeriš, en ég fer fram į aš samtališ verši tekiš upp. Jóhanna hringi ķ Gordon Brown
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

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1 Smįmynd: Eirikur

What did we do to deserve this..............

I don't think the Icelandic Nation did anything wrong other than spend too much money that they didn;t have. The real criminals seem to be getting away with it

The freezing of assets legislation seemed to be the only way to stop the banks stealing investors money to loan to the bandits so they could get the money over to the Cayman Islands etc. SOME ONE HAD TO STOP THEM........Your Government just stood and watched all this happening...... By all means Sue the UK Government....but I don't think there is much chance of getting anywhere...You will have to persuade the powers that be that stealing investors money and then loaning it out, for it to be sent to a safe haven is not illegal.........

Weeks before the freezing of assets legislation was used, your banks were busy moving money from Holland, Germany, UK, Finland and various other countries. If the UK Government had not stopped the thieves, the Icelandic Nation would now owe XXXXXXX Billion instead of XXX Billion.................Good Luck

Eirikur , 12.2.2009 kl. 17:20

2 Smįmynd: Gķsli Foster Hjartarson


Fyrir žetta fęršu fullt hśs 10 stig - til hamingju - get vel ķmyndaš mér aš žetta yrši į žessum nótum.

Gķsli Foster Hjartarson, 12.2.2009 kl. 18:09

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