Curbishley partur 2

Ekki ber öllum saman um hvaš Alan Curbishley fęr ķ bętur frį West Ham:

West Ham may have to pay former manager Alan Curbishley £4m after he won his case for constructive dismissal over his departure from Upton Park in September 2008.
Full story: The Sun

Curbishley will land a £2.2m pay-off from West Ham, who could be forced to sell players in January to afford the pay out. (Daily Express)

The Hammers will have to pay Curbishley a year's salary - a basic of about £1m - plus legal costs running into hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Full story: Daily Telegraph

West Ham initially tried to sue Curbishley for £2m, claiming he had left them in the lurch by resigning and was in breach of his contract.
Full story: The Independent

Hull City are lining up Curbishley as a replacement for under-fire boss Phil Brown, who could be sacked if the Tigers lose at home to Stoke on Sunday.
Full story: Daily Mirror

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